Friday, March 27, 2009


So many things coming up soon! Spring, Summer :) Nothing makes me happier.

Okay, so I'm happy. Really happy. 
Though frequently stressed, which I'm sure I rant and rant about, life is great.

A drawing I am really proud of was picked by my teacher to be one to choose from for Art Bash from our Research class, though I didn't win (Jamie's video was amazing!) I was so happy to be chosen. He is suggesting I submit it to open call. Not being very studio based, the fact that he really liked it and I really love it is just great. I just have to spend another 20 something hours re-doing it on better paper. WIgGiDy wHaCk! 

The more and more I write, such as proposals and even poems for my writing class, I love it more and more and more. So many ideas buzzing, song lyrics. I'm so happy Lyndie is coming here for the summer, we are going to make so much music.(Whether she likes it or not!) So excited for the fun tymz, Lynd! I am purchasing a ukulele, harmonica, and tambourine this weekend. Just for fun. Sh, don't tell anyone but I think I'm a half decent singer. (I just need to get over my fear of singing for people.) Maybe I'll upload a video of me singing somewhere, just to ease the pain. Ooh, ooh, ooh! I'm also in the process of drawing out my own font. Geekin' out on it, very very excited. 

Though technically it is Spring, why the hell is it 40 degrees?!?! Awful! But I can't wait to scrunch my toes in the grass and never wear pants just like Lady Gaga. 

Any of you twitter heads, follow me! ---

P.S: Everyone always posts cool vidz and pictures on their pages. Hm, I should do that too. Unfortunately for me and all of you, I'm not very cool. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I hate feeling so inspired and not doing anything about it.
It is such a frequent syndrome. 
I just need time, more time. 
I never sleep but it still isn't enough.
Some think I have insomnia, but really all I have is a fear of sleep.
I hate the loss of time. I yearn for extra minutes at the expense of my body. 

I've been sucking with my writing goal. I've had so many ideas for pieces but just don't write. 
I'm buying a typewriter this week, its the only thing I can tolerate to write creatively on aside from by hand. No distractions, strictly traditional.

As this week progresses, I start to act like a 30 year old single woman more and more.
I take hour long baths and wallow, hang around my room naked, and eat chocolate. 
I've never really liked sunshine, I've always preferred slightly chilly cloudy days but the minute the sun dissipates, I get sad and lonely. 
Night becomes my loneliest hours. I don't know what's wrong with me.


Friday, March 6, 2009

New goals.

I am going to force myself to write every day, any type of creative writing I choose for that specific day. 
I need to release more of my thoughts.
Afterword, I will post them here daily. Perhaps they will inspire and provide insight to others.

I'm working on the screenplay of a short film also, don't want to give out too many details considering it is only in the beginning stages but I really aspire to write as much possible for that too.

You know what's so silly? Writing is in my family. I think it was my great grandfather wrote speeches for the Peruvian congress, my grandfather wrote songs, my mother writes poetry and lyrics, and now look at me! Writing screenplays and poems. I suppose the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

On a lighter note, I'm happy. Are you? 
I really wish you all were. 
Is it silly of me to wish that?
You all inspire me and give me the greatest joy.
"I don't know about God, but I believe in you."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Some writing.

Hello, all.
I know I'm really awful at updating but I've been so incredibly busy.
Not like anyone cares much, but I'm up to alot.
1. School, in general.
2. Art Bash proposal/installation
3. Best friend visiting for a week
4. Making time for someone
It ain't easy, kiddies!
I hope everyone is doing well.

Okay, so here is some writing I did a couple of weeks ago, please feel free to tell me what you think.

The musk of the room was unbearable. Corpses, being dissected by human hands 
Serving as mediators between the living and the dead
In plunges a hand, into the groin of another
Fingers writhing creepily, yearning for the next stroke
Out bursts the gloved hand covered in muck ever so suddenly
Stroking her hair, he wonders what happened
This precious human, so cold but once was warm
Cascading down to her eyelids, he wonders what she once saw through those eyes,
The horrors, the beauty.
Lacking his normally aggressive touch, he thrusts
Where her heart once was, holding it
Wanting to squeeze as to burst every vessel, he resists.
Though her eyes are firmly shut, he felt her piercing stare like daggers
Why her?
With hesitation and much frustration,
He closed her tomb
Causing his whole body to shudder

Oh you, little pain
You send shock-waves through me
Why that spot?
My thumb has done no harm to you!
Pound, pound, pound you go, as if for eternity
Like a child screaming louder and louder at each cry
Do you need to tell me something?
Am I full of sparks?
You are the most electric of them all
There you are again, my little electron filled friend
Just tell me, tell me
Burst through my flesh and whisper to me what it is you need to say
Your persistence is admirable, 
Your presence displeasing,
Can you please just stop teasing?

I wanted to be you.
I wanted to be your friend.
I wanted your life.
You taught me how to dress.
You taught me how to act.
I wanted your adventures.
I wanted your mysteries.
I wanted your dramas.
California, Sydney, Paris
I wanted it all.
Just like a book, my memory withers with age.
I tried desperately to be you.